Catherine 2:56 PM
I need some help… Please. I am using a Tobii Eye Tracker 4c with a young student. What programs, websites, games or anything else do you use to train a young student in using eye tracking? The end goal is to use the eye tracker to access AAC. Anyone willing to meet or hold a zoom meeting to discuss this…. I pay in cookies / treats.
Erek Engar - Davis 25 days ago
@Catherine, We use the Tobii 4c with Couphdrop for our icon based aac users, and built in windows AAC with a few of our spelling based users. We’ve had good success with both. How do I pair CoughDrop with an eyegaze device? – CoughDrop (zendesk.com)
Catherine 25 days ago
Thanks! Did you start with using Coughdrop or did you start with cause and effect games to train the student to use eyegaze? I feel like this student it looking at the item she wants to select then goes looking for the mouse to see how close it is to the item she needs to select. She needs more practice. Is it best to use the AAC program for practice or use something else??
Erek Engar - Davis 25 days ago
For AAC - i just have the team create some simple custom boards in couphdrop. Then we decrease the button sizes to work on accuracy. I also use the “bubble” tracking to make sure i can see what they are looking at and then I click the mouse once they “dwell” to teach them the basics of cause and effect on websites etc..
Shana Miller
We use the HelpKidzlearn website, it has a ton of AT accessible games/activities. We also use software from itInclusive Technology https://www.inclusive.com/uk/software/eye-gaze-software.html
Eye Gaze Software - Inclusive Technology
Our eye gaze software is compatible with Skyle 2, Tobii, Irisbond, EyeTech and is designed for learners with a wide range of disabilities. Helping learners to play, communicate, access information, and control their environment more independently.