how other teams are meeting the requirement of Utah code 53A-1-706 when they have devices that access internet that are going home? Number 3 is the one that my district is concerned about? Does this apply to UATT equipment?
Utah code 53a-1-706 reads:
Effective 5/10/2016 53A-1-706. Purchases of educational technology.
A school district, charter school, or college of education shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code, in purchasing technology, except as otherwise provided in Subsection (1)(b).
A school district or charter school may purchase computers from, and contract for the repair or refurbishing of computers with, the Utah Correctional Industries without going through the bidding or competition procedures outlined in Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code.
A school district, charter school, or college of education may purchase technology through cooperative purchasing contracts administered by the state Division of Purchasing or through its own established purchasing program.
Consistent with policies adopted by a local school board or charter school governing board, a school district or charter school that purchases technology under this section shall ensure that adequate on and off campus Internet filtering is installed and consistently configured to prevent viewing of harmful content by students and school personnel.
Thank you!!
Duchesne County says this about that:
If you have any devices that you or your students take home we can have them go through our filter, we will just have to have the device route back through our filter.
Carbon School District
Carbon is a "Google District" so our IT department has really good control over the student accounts. Below is the response from Carbon School District IT department on what they do to make us compliant with HB 213.
Emery School District
Emery says that they would use Carbon's infrastructure when a device goes home so I will work with our Carbon IT staff if I have a student from Emery who takes a UATT device home. is the response, FYI..... Yes, all student devices need to be filtered both at school and at home. Or school networks are all filtered but when the device goes home there is a requirement for extra software to do the filter at home. We currently use a product called securly to do offsite filtering for student devices. We could set your ipads up to use that but it would also require other measures on the devices setup to ensure that students cant simply turn off the filtering. We can help you with that also but fyi it might require a wipe and start over with the setup on the ipad so we can enroll and enforce the security through our mdm software. Our securly setup also requires user authentication so students would need to login with a username and password before accessing the internet.
Murray School District also has a filtering system that most of our devices go through. We are working with the IT department now to determine the best way to move forward with all of our equipment. This was a very helpful question for us- it gave us a chance to address it again. Thanks!
Ogden School District
From what I have been told OCSD has a filtering system that is used across the district. I don't know how that woks when devices are off campus though.
Cache County School District filters all Chromebooks and Windows/Mac laptops through the district filters on and off campus. I'm not sure on all the specifics of the voodoo magic they use to accomplish it. I just know I have to give them my devices and they put some software on there. My district IT department hasn't figured out a great way to filter iOS devices yet, so we are currently enabling the internet filter through the Restrictions menu in the iOS settings. I keep a list of all the Restrictions passcodes so that we don't get locked out of devices.
This is Granite’s IT response:
Currently Granite has in place onsite filtering with iBoss and the Google management system. They do not currently have any offsite filtering in place. Security is a huge issue that is being addressed within our district and I am sure at some point there will be the discussion of offsite filtering addressed.
Davis District does this:
iPads: are registered in our MDM (Multi Device Management) system. This filters all internet content, and when off campus, it redirects all internet access through the district servers. Before this bill and before we had MDM, we turned on the content filters in the settings.
Laptops: Are entered registered in the district domain. All internet access at schools is filtered. All off campus activity is redirected to district servers and filtered.
Our I.T. department set all of this up.